Our Team of CGI Professional Development Leaders

Debra Plowman

Teacher Educator, CGI Math Teacher Learning Center.

Debra Plowman, Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Texas, earned her PhD in math education under the direction of CGI Author and Researcher, Susan Empson. She first learned about CGI as an elementary school teacher. CGI transformed her math teaching in that she was able to teach math for understanding at a deeper level. CGI is where she began to fall in love with mathematics and student thinking about mathematics. Dr. Plowman wants to help teachers develop that same passion and has used CGI as the foundation of her math and math education courses for pre-service and in-service teachers for over 25 years. She has led several initiatives involving the integration of mathematics and science in partnership with various organizations and institutions throughout Texas. She has been teaching CGI Seminars since 1998.