Our Team of CGI Professional Development Leaders

Linda Jaslow

Teacher Educator, CGI Math Teacher Learning Center.

Linda Jaslow, Arkansas State Math Specialist and former elementary school teacher, had her first experience with CGI in 1996 when she hosted CGI PD sessions for elementary school districts who were part of the Phoenix Urban Systemic Initiative. Her passion for CGI grew when she saw the effects of CGI on the 500 teachers and their students in this project. Ms. Jaslow was especially impressed by the rich mathematical discussions, deep understanding of mathematics, and enjoyment of math that she observed in CGI classrooms. Ms. Jaslow wanted to spread CGI to more teachers and began teaching CGI Seminars for pre-service and in-service teachers at San Diego State University in San Diego, CA in her role as adjunct professor. In her current role, she has taught CGI Seminars for K-2 and 3-6 grade teachers for the past 12 years to over 800 teachers. Ms. Jaslow has been teaching CGI Seminars since 2000.