Our Team of CGI Professional Development Leaders
Susan Gehn
Teacher Educator, CGI Math Teacher Learning Center.
Susan Gehn, retired elementary school teacher and elementary mathematics specialist, Monona, WI was one of 20 teachers who attended the very first CGI PD session in the summer of 1986 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CGI helped her gain an understanding of math, a passion for teaching math, and helped her to make better instructional decisions to meet the needs of each and every student. During over 30 years as an elementary school teacher, Ms. Gehn’s knowledge of children’s mathematical thinking guided her math instruction in her first, third, and fifth grade classrooms. She feels that CGI had the most profound and lasting impact on her students and herself of any professional development opportunity she participated in during her 30-plus years of teaching. She has been teaching CGI Seminars since 1990.